The incident alleged by Appalachian State Color Guard member Sophie Randleman has been absolved by Mountaineer Athletic Director Doug Gillin. Gillin issued an apology to the University of Miami Hurricanes.
In the statement released by Appalachian State, Gillin said Miami was “incredibly cooperative throughout the review process” and that Appalachian State apologizes on his behalf to “all those impacted by the situation created as the teams took the field prior to kickoff on Saturday,”
Randleman and fellow color guard member Mariah Martin made allegations that Miami Hurricanes football players “groped, sworn at, taunted, and touched in ways that were definitely not asked for.”
Martin said that she was shoved to the ground by Miami players, felt pain and had to sit for extended periods throughout the game. Part of the initial statement by Randleman on her facebook page that set off the firestorm and has since been taken down alleged:
"“Miami’s football team decided to blindside one of our members on the corner of the field. She was shoved by several very large, intentionally aggressive, football players. No apologies were made regarding this incident”"
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She also was informed about past behavior from the Hurricanes players. She didn’t say where she received this information or where the alleged incidents took place, but Randleman said “I was told repeatedly today that Miami’s team is notoriously scum, but that is no reason to sit back and let this happen. I can’t even imagine how many other events similar to this one have occurred.“
Martin said she received a letter of apology from James. “We got a written apology from the athletic director in Miami, so I think that’s all we really needed,” Martin said, according to Charlotte TV station WSOC.
James said he did not categorize the letter as an apology, that he didn’t want to argue over semantics and that the issue is behind him.
"Miami Athletic Director Blake James. “I didn’t apologize in the letter, so I wouldn’t classify it as an apology letter,” James said. “If that’s what she wants to go with to allow her to move forward, I’m not going to sit here and argue semantics in the media.”"
Gillin said at the end of his statement that Appalachian State has “investigated the concerns, and we’ve provided support to our students. We will continue to support our students and keep their safety as a top priority.”
Next: Five Games for Miami Hurricanes Fans to Watch on Bye Week
Miami is off this week before they go on the road again for their first ACC game this season against Georgia Tech October 1.