"“We didn’t execute the way that we needed to…Obviously, it was a learning curve for the younger guys … At the end of the day, we didn’t do a good enough job preparing for it. Again, that’s why they call it practice. They call it practice for a reason.”"
Richt was upset about blown assignments and expects things to be better in the scrimmage. He said:
"“I don’t care what string, first of all…I don’t care what string because we’re teaching every single guy here. It’s not a matter of ability of where you’re at on the depth chart. It’s a matter of will you listen and do what you’re supposed to do, which is not happening.” If a guy gets beat, OK. If a guy runs the right route and the ball hits him in the chest and he drops it, that’s going to happen from time to time. But I’m talking about just flat out not knowing what to do when it counts the most. That’s why we lost games last year, close games.”"
The most important thing to note is that Richt wants to be able to get his players attention.
"“I hope it got their attention…It got my attention that we’ve got to coach better. This isn’t the first shot out of the cannon doing one-minute offense. This is our second time doing it. We meet at night. We walkthrough in the gym. We come out here and jog through routes. We meet about it again in the morning before we go out. We did that two different times."