Race was made an issue in the case. Power referenced the Ku Klux Klan, To Kill a Mockingbird and the John Birch society in discussing the accusations against his client. Shembo also was far from the first Notre Dame football player to be accused of rape or sexual assault.
According to Deadspin, four Notre Dame players were accused of a gang rape in 2002. None served any prison time for the crime. These cases at Notre Dame actually precede the 1988 Catholic versus Convicts game. If this was mentioned at the time I don’t remember it.
Deadspin reported on gang rape incidents in 1974 and 1976. The victims were told to “shut up and mind their own business”. Power disputed the allegation that Shembo received special treatment because he was a football player.
"“It’s not like he was a Heisman Trophy candidate..He had not even played in his first game yet.”"
In a written statement given to campus police, Lizzy Seeburg stated:
"“I started feeling as though I was in danger…I didn’t feel safe in his room.”"
Tom Seeberg reiterated the allegation that Notre Dame tried to undermine his daughter account of that night.