The video he took in September and the one earlier this fall of Perry riding in a car with a wad of cash in his lap that was posted to Instagram only appear to harm himself. The damage though is much deeper than that.
As the Miami Hurricanes starting quarterback, Perry has to make better decisions. The quarterback of a Power Five football team and especially playing for one of the most legendary programs in College Football history is always going to make you a target.
The job for any reporter is to disseminate the news. The Miami Hurricane writer did just that. They found a story and scooped the beat writers and national reporters who all picked up the story and wrote their own spin.
The Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel, CBS Sports. ESPN, Yahoo and countless others all picked up the story and gave the Miami student newspaper credit.
We have become a society of sound bites and news being disseminating quickly. Everyone hangs now on catchphrases, hashtags and blaming others instead of taking the blame.
Clickbait is used far too often when someone on social media doesn’t like an article that might slight their favorite team, player, politician, political party or something or someone important to them. The big media websites like CBS, ESPN and Yahoo Sports do not need to create those kinds of articles to get viewers to their website.