CFB blogger tells fans to root against Miami Hurricanes QB Martell

CORONADO, CA - MAY 27: Tate Martell of Ohio State University attends Steve Clarkson's 13th Annual Quarterback Retreat on May 27, 2017 in Coronado, California. (Photo by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images)
CORONADO, CA - MAY 27: Tate Martell of Ohio State University attends Steve Clarkson's 13th Annual Quarterback Retreat on May 27, 2017 in Coronado, California. (Photo by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images) /
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Attorneys who have a far broader understanding of Martell’s case than the tweets that Luciano referenced have spoken out on the issue and are far better voices for college athletes.

Miami attorney Jason Setchen represented Dewan Hernandez in his eligibility case against the NCAA. Setchen Tweeted on Tuesday afternoon about Martell’s chances to gain eligibility.

Luciano gave his opinion about Martell’s attempt to gain eligibility but never gave any reasons to support his opinion.

"“After former Georgia quarterback Justin Fields earned immediate eligibility at Ohio State and will likely be the starting quarterback for the 2019 season, Martell is trying to do the same in Coral Gables. However, he’s got far less reasoning behind his argument.”"

By the NCAA definition, Martell might have a better case based on the NCAA definition but it was more taking advantage of how the rule is written than having a genuine argument. Barrett Sallee of CBS Sports explained the difference in a tweet last week.

Anyone that has followed both cases knows that both Fields and Martell’s transfers are about playing time. Fields left Georgia for Ohio State because he was stuck behind Jake Fromm. Martell was concerned about playing behind Fields at Ohio State so he transferred to Miami.

The archaic transfer rules need to be changed. Players should be able to transfer and chose to attend the school of their choice. There are many possibilities on how to limit the players’ movement so it doesn’t become rampant. The way it is now is not fair to the players.