What is wrong with Miami Hurricanes fans?

ByJason Feldman|
CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA - SEPTEMBER 07: (Photo by Grant Halverson/Getty Images)
CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA - SEPTEMBER 07: (Photo by Grant Halverson/Getty Images)

Before I type the first word I can already anticipate the reaction I’m going to get on Twitter from more than a few people but this needs to be said. What is wrong with Miami Hurricanes fans?

There’s so much whining and complaining from the Miami Hurricanes fan base it’s ridiculous. There’s insults to players on a personal level and that’s totally unacceptable. Many of you are grown men or women who are in their 40’s 50’s and 60’s.

Yet you have the nerve to come after these guys who are in their late teens and early 20s? Why? Are you trying to scare off anyone who might potentially want to come to The U? If you can do better then you go out there and play. Let’s be realistic, we have a team that went 6-7 last year and looked really not very good at all.

We had some fairly humiliating losses and a lot of close games that we really could’ve won had things turned out just a little bit differently. Fast forward to 2020 where I was very vocal that I didn’t even think we would have a football season.

For me every game I got to experience with something of a gift. Maybe the UNC game was not exactly what I was hoping for and quite honestly I’ve never left the game so early ever in my life. It was bad and it was that bad.

The UNC game isn’t an excuse to start personally attacking the people who brought us so much joy in entertainment in an otherwise fairly miserable year. Those close games that we were losing last year are games we won this year. We have two losses to two ranked ACC opponents.

Yeah, the last game was ugly but the team wasn’t motivated. Notre Dame being allowed to play in the ACC eliminated Miami’s shot at an ACC title game and I for one am not happy about that. You can’t lose one game and have no shot. Now here we are.

This is still the best football team Miami is managed to put on the field in quite some time. I’m not gonna get into what happened Saturday night because it was just ugly and there’s a lot of blame. Don’t overthink it. We lost and that’s that but what were we playing for?

We weren’t going to the ACC championship game which we should’ve been. We weren’t going to get put into the playoffs. The only thing we were playing for was pride and maybe that wasn’t enough this year. I for one intend to fully stand by every one of these Miami Hurricanes football players.

I think going after the coaches is fine. They’re grown man we’re getting paid good money to do a job that maybe they just didn’t do in preparing us for this game. It’s not like we didn’t know all season long this was gonna be a very big test for the Miami Hurricanes.

Now we need to look to the future and put our best foot forward and remember that when we put something out there on Twitter not only do the players read it even though they don’t respond but also so do the potential recruits. We all sometimes put stupid things out there but fortunately, you can also delete them.

I being an overly biased and super optimistic fan and very guilty of doing that but usually pull it down pretty soon after the anger subsides.

Maybe I might encourage the Hurricane fanbase to take a step back and show some support to these guys because this is the best football team I’ve seen Miami put on the field in a very long time.

